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For many years, I have used teletherapy with patients whose circumstances didn't allow for coming into my practice.  I, therefore, had the good fortune to have a head start both in terms of technological facility and experience when the pandemic necessitated that I move my entire practice to a remote format.  Though I hope to return to a mix of in-person and remote sessions at some stage, I am currently continuing to conduct all sessions via either telephone or video.



Psychoanalytic psychotherapy involves a unique setting, circumstance, and partnership through which remarkable personal development is possible.  Not only is it possible to work through specific problems and personal concerns but also to gain greater satisfaction and pleasure from work, love, and play. 





Through therapy, couples can learn to communicate more effectively, better manage conflict, avoid common relationship pitfalls, find ways to maintain compassion and calm in the face of anger, and expand the capacity to know and be known by one another.  

Image by Aaron Burden.webp


A 1-4 session consultation can  be of help during a difficult transition, a family conflict or crisis, or any circumstance where my professional expertise may allow me to provide appropriate guidance, resources, and referrals.  Consultations and ongoing supervision are also available to other mental health professionals.  

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